One of the most fascinating aspects of fashion for me is the creative process designers go through. How can they constantly turn over fresh ideas whilst staying true to their ateliers heritage? If I told you that Perspex heels, beach scapes, frayed hems and crystal drop tops were all seamlessly woven into one collection you would be forgiven for thinking I was mingling at a strippers' beach soiree. These components do in fact emerge from Miucciu Prada’s endlessly fascinating design psyche. First shown in September 2009 in Milan (I also find it fascinating how much time elapses from showing to selling) her pieces are trickling into the high street and conjuring images of fun in the sun for her weary fashion troops.

The collection was an iridescent burst of beach babes and glistening girls. There was a distinct element of youth as if Mrs Prada’s younger sister had come out to play. Her hair in playful bunches mussed up by licks of seaside breeze. Playing dress up in her mother’s clothes she coyly blurs the lines of innocent little girl to alluring young lady. She is adorned in sparkle to attract a mate-the most primitive mating ritual known to little girls. Jewels to make the boys drool.
The athletic pants in beach print (which is in fact a man made beach in Japan see end of post) keep the innocence alive as the glossy pouts pucker up for some summer loving. Perspex glasses in a rainbow of colours could have been purchased along the boardwalk for the cost of a pink lemonade. Her shoes however look decidedly more pricey.
Somewhere between the little girls jelly sandal and the heels of a stripper these shoes were fashioned . Dripping in crystals yet velcroed like diving shoes. Prada’s attention to her theme is quite unrivalled. Imagine how fabulous you would feel slipping your feet into real life Cinderella glass slippers? And then discovering you could actually dance well past twelve? Their forgiving square heel and sporty fastenings ensure you will be the last belle to leave the ball. Magnifique!
The bags too are a bambinos dream. One can imagine them being coveted by a younger sister for years-her vowing to take better care of it than her sister ever did. She was more deserving; she would carry it every day. Store it carefully and keep it out of harm’s way. How indignant fashion can make the young. How powerfully a jewelled item can ignite passion in women of all ages. Provoking lust from the first glance of gilded grandeur.
When asked about the uplifting collection Mrs Prada’s outlook was as sunny as her beachscapes, "When things are bad, you have to come out from that. Optimism," she declared, "is a choice." And who would dare to be anything but optimistic when living out the Prada dream of a seaside romp in cascades of crystals. A postcard of fashion cheer,
Wish you were here xxx